This is effectively the first PicUNO update from the lab. A lot has happened since the Hackster Article. Manufacturing details have been added. However, keen followers might observe that the hardware has not had major changes. While that is true, the pace in software development has been slow but steady.

Manufacturing details:
picuno/manufacture at main · atulravi/picuno (

MicroPython port and library:
A custom micropython port has been made for the PicUNO and even a library has been created for the same. When it comes to the library, some functions have been added and the neopixel support has been made native to make development easier.
Firmware:AtrivaTECH/micropython: MicroPython - a lean and efficient Python implementation for microcontrollers and constrained systems (
Library:AtrivaTECH/AtrivaTECH_PicUNO-mpy: Micropython board library with special functions and variables for PicUNO (

Arduino IDE Library:
Although a Port of the PicUNO is still not ready, a library has been made with a few functions built-in to provide additional features to the board.
Library:AtrivaTECH/AtrivaTECH_PicUNO: Library for Arduino IDE consisting of crucial functions for easy use of PicUNO (

Also, the libraries come with functions to tackle the main issue where the Level shifted GPIOs are always HIGH. This is fixed by forcibly pulling them LOW.

CircuitPython port:
A port has been made for the PicUNO on circuitpython. Although the library to tackle the hardware issues with functions is still under preparations, the port works fine. Also, as I write this, I am waiting for a PID so that the port of CircuitPython can be made official. As of now, it is based on the PIDs of the metro RP2040.
Firmware: atulravi/circuitpython: CircuitPython - a Python implementation for teaching coding with microcontrollers (

CircuitPython uf2: picuno/software/circuitpython/custom-firmware-2-apr at main · AtrivaTECH/picuno (
Micropython uf2: picuno/software/micropython/02-APR-24 at main · AtrivaTECH/picuno (
All official ports come with the board definition files pre authored. So, all that you have to do is build the uf2s. Quite a few articles exist online if you wish to replicate the same.

Hardware wise, one issue has been found where it seems the QWIIC I2C wiring/marking has been interchanged. As of now, the issue is still not fixed. However, this shall be done soon.
Also, the tester boards have been fit with blue LEDs. The final version will come with green LEDs that will match the aesthetic better.

A trailer demonstrating the fundamental features of the board is also available to view at:

Certain testers have also been sent PicUNO kits for self-assembly. These lack the reference designators. To combat this, I recommend VisualPlace. Complete details have also been authored in the article: Assembling the Picuno – AtrivaTECH

Also, I am currently looking at options to get the PicUNO either CE/UKCA/BIS/KC/FCC/CB Scheme/TEC/G Mark/RoHS and am looking for people/experts who have prior experience with the same for advice and recommendations. Having to consider financial constraints and commercial markets, if we choose to go commercial this will be a main requirement. Also, shipping the board as a "development board" is also being considered. Suggestions are welcome.

As most are aware, I am still on-boarding testers for the PicUNO. If you would like to contribute, you can either apply as the tester, or if you find any issues in the software/hardware, you can open a pull request after modifying a fork on GitHub. Or just open a GitHub issue. This helps me track issues better.
Apply as a tester: Picuno Dev Kits Now available!! – AtrivaTECH

Also, if you are not aware, an article on the PicUNO has been authored by Mr. Jeremy S Cook on the Hackster Page. And my gratitude for the same cannot be expressed in words. So, I humbly request you to also subscribe to his YouTube channel if not already.
JCo Audio: (1) JCo Audio - YouTube
Hackster Article: PicUNO: RP2040 in the Arduino Uno Form Factor -

If you would like to see the progress of the whole project, view the associated github repos here:
1)atulravi/picuno: A repo of all files for the pic uno RP2040+Arduino UNO derivative by ESCcrasci and AtrivaTECH (
2)picuno/software at main · atulravi/picuno (
3)atulravi/circuitpython: CircuitPython - a Python implementation for teaching coding with microcontrollers (
4)AtrivaTECH/AtrivaTECH_PicUNO: Library for Arduino IDE consisting of crucial functions for easy use of PicUNO (
5)AtrivaTECH/AtrivaTECH_PicUNO-mpy: Micropython board library with special functions and variables for PicUNO (
Thanks for reading. I am happy to hear your suggestions. Feel free to reply to this email if you have any suggestions or recommendations!

Atul Ravi
(Founder/Owner of AtrivaTECH (It's ON Group)
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